Welcome to the Montana Tech Community!  这个页面的开发是为了帮助你开始在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院,并教你十大可靠彩票平台的各种学生信息系统.  我们鼓励你与你所教课程的系主任密切合作,以确保你了解课程期望以及与你所教课程相关的学生学习成果.  Also, please be sure to review Final Exam Schedule and the Academic Calendar for important dates.

Your Montana Tech Email Account

Log in to your email account.

All of our faculty have a Montana Tech email account. 这是我们如何通知您何时以及为谁提交第20天和第40天的期中成绩, when the class schedule for the following semester is ready to view, when final grades are due, etc. 您可以通过点击任何菲律宾十大彩票平台大学网页顶部菜单中的电子邮件链接从校外访问您的电子邮件帐户.

If you're not sure which college you're in, you can contact the I.T. Help Desk at 406-496-4244 or ithelpdesk@jidongchina.com.  你的大学计算机协调员也可以为你的课堂提供技术支持.


MyMtech Site is the online version of our student information system. This is where you'll enter mid-term and final grades for students.

Mid-Term Grades


  • All Highlands College Students
  • 所有新生(获得30学分以下的学生)-您将收到班级中符合这一类别的学生名单.)
  • All students enrolled in M 171 (Calculus) and lower
  • All students enrolled in Chemistry 153H and lower

Math, Chemistry and Highlands College instructors will not 收到需要期中成绩的学生名单,因为他们将进行报告 all students in those specific courses.

第20天期中成绩报告为满意(SAT)或不满意(UNSAT).  40th day mid-terms are reported as letter grades (A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.).  After all mid-term grades are posted, 顾问会收到报告,确定正在挣扎的学生,这样他们就可以联系他们并提供帮助.  This is one of our most important intrusive advising activities, so it's imperative that mid-term grades are entered in a timely manner.

要发布期中成绩,请登录MyMtech并点击教师服务选项卡. Click on Mid Term Grades, then select the appropriate term.  选择你想要发布成绩的课程的CRN,然后点击提交. You only need to select the appropriate grade for the students....the Last Attend Date and Attend Hours are not required.  当你完成输入成绩后,点击底部的提交按钮.

Final Grades

期末成绩截止日期为学期最后一天后的第一个星期二中午. 要输入学生的最终成绩,请登录MyMtech并单击“教师服务”选项卡. Click on Final Grades, then select the appropriate term. 选择你想要发布成绩的课程的CRN,然后点击提交.

Office Hours

All faculty, including part-time faculty, 是否要求每周至少安排三个办公时间来帮助学生解决他们可能遇到的任何问题. If you do not have office space on campus to provide office hours, we have Wimba available for your convenience.  Wimba是一个网络会议工具,你可以使用它来提供虚拟办公时间,从你的家庭电脑. 如果你有兴趣在办公时间使用Wimba,请联系凯西·史蒂文斯 kstevens@jidongchina.com or (406) 496-4837.

Online Learning

Montana Tech has great resources available for online learning. Moodle是一个课程管理系统,可以用来提高学习体验. 这个系统可以用来补充面对面的课程,也可以用来促进严格在线教学的课程. Moodle的使用多少取决于讲师的自由裁量权.  Contact the I.T. Help Desk at kb.jidongchina.com or call 406-496-4244.

Web Resources: Moodle 2 Help http://kb.jidongchina.com
Skype for Business: http://kb.jidongchina.com/moodle-instructor/Skype-for-Business

Web Resources: Help with Online Course Design and Online Teaching

Course Evaluations

All faculty, including part-time faculty, 是否要求学生在每次授课时对课程进行评估.  您将通过菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的电子邮件帐户收到一封电子邮件,通知您的学生何时需要评估您的课程. At the end of the course after grades have been submitted, you should expect a short review of your teaching from your department head.

Library Pages

The Montana Tech Library contains a wealth of information such as books, articles and journals; and fantastic search tools to help you find whatever you need.  Contact your department's librarian for assistance with research, library instruction, information about library services and collections, and any other issues related to the library. 你的学科专家对他们所分配的学术单位的研究和学术交流的性质非常了解. 他们开发和管理馆藏,并提供获取信息资源的途径,以支持学院的课程和研究任务, schools, and departments to which they are assigned.