Dr. Les做饭Dr. Les P. 库克以12人的身份上任th 2019年7月1日,菲律宾十大彩票平台大学校长. 从那时起, he has realigned the leadership team and cabinet to be a shared governance model, 成功招聘到新的高层领导, 并涉及了广泛而多样化的员工群体, 学生, 还有其他人领导了许多战略努力.

这些团队一起完成了一项新的战略计划, 刻意与众不同:为蒙大拿科技的未来定位 最终确定并实施了战略性招生计划, 推出了新的品牌承诺和信息宣传活动, developed a focused master plan and completed a campus space analysis that will one day lead to greater campus vibrancy and aesthetic appeal, 部门的协同效应, 整体效率.

身体上的, 校园已经大大升级了, 从完成学生成功中心开始, 包括增加166张住宿床位. Further enhancements include completing the Schweitzer 工程 Laboratory Power-Systems Lab, 新改造和更新的餐饮服务, 图书馆礼堂的全面翻新, 以及最先进的Lesar家庭护理模拟中心. 另外, 整个校园的科技都得到了更新, creating smart classrooms to better meet in-person and online learning needs. In 2023, the Montana Legislature designated the largest capital appropriation in University history, 价值4,300万美元,用于翻修正厅和工程厅.

学生的机会也在扩大. 蒙大拿州校董会批准了几个新的学位课程,其中包括博士学位.D. 地球科学与工程, 并获得了恢复生态学的硕士学位, 本科学历,建筑管理专业, 焊接技术应用科学副学士. Both the civil and mechanical engineering programs acquired ABET accreditation. 高地上大学 also developed new credentialing and other opportunities to meet employment needs in the region with more than $1M in workforce development grants. Dr. 烹饪 signed a historic cooperative research and development agreement with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport, allowing 学生 to access advanced experimentations and collaboration in advanced manufacturing, 失效分析, 材料工艺开发. 掘金队增加了两项新的NAIA运动:田径和越野. 俄勒冈州的运动队已经庆祝了11次分区冠军, 包括有史以来最成功的男子篮球赛季, 带领球队进入了NAIA全国锦标赛的四分之一决赛. The Foundation has worked hard to increase financial aid/scholarship opportunities via launching the 孤峰 Vision, 自由十大可靠彩票平台, 和兰斯十大可靠彩票平台计划.

在博士. 烹饪’s leadership, Montana Tech has received a historic string of transformational gifts. 2021年10月, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院收到了700万美元的捐款, 这是当时历史上最大的一次, 是雪莉和戴夫·莱萨尔为护理部写的. The gift was used to grow and sustain the nursing program’s quality and reach. In November 2021, the Nursing Department was renamed the 雪莉·莱萨尔护理学院.

2022年9月, Nucor announced a $2 million donation to fund the Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Metallurgical and Materials 工程.

在2023年4月,瑞安和丽莎·兰斯向大学捐赠了3100万美元. 这笔捐款将用于资助兰斯十大可靠彩票平台项目, 它为50名州内学生提供4美元的奖学金,每年1000万奖学金, 可再续三年. $1 million was gifted to Digger 体育运动 to fund scholarships for student-athletes. 该礼物还支持捐赠兰斯能源椅, which will expand Tech’s expertise in STEM and establish the institution as a leader in energy, 环境, 和可持续性. The position will collaborate with academic programs across campus and develop unique multidisciplinary opportunities to expand research, 现代化的课程, 以及进一步的行业参与. All these efforts and accomplishments and more are part of Montana Tech’s vision to be the institution of opportunity and innovation.

自从库克总理抵达, 申请这所大学的人数增加了一倍, 2023年秋季入学的班级是自2014年以来最大的. 库克坚定不移,对引领潮流充满热情.

在加入菲律宾十大彩票平台学院之前, 库克在霍顿的密歇根理工大学待了16年, 密歇根. 在密歇根理工大学, 他担任过许多领导职务, 包括负责大学战略合作的副校长, 负责学生事务和晋升的副主席, 负责学生事务的副主席, 副教务长兼教务长. 在加入密歇根理工大学之前. 库克曾在太平洋大学(University of the Pacific)任职, 犹他大学, 和盐湖城社区学院.

Dr. 烹饪 earned a doctorate of education in educational leadership from Brigham Young University, 社会科学硕士学位, 并获得犹他州立大学政治学学士学位. Dr. 烹饪 also completed Harvard University’s Institute on Educational Management.

烹饪 is the vice chair of the NAIA Frontier Athletic Conference and remains involved with several professional and student service associations. He is the past chair of the Foundation Board of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), 前东四区副总裁, 和NASPA全国董事会成员. 烹饪 serves as a trustee of the LeaderShape Institute Board of Trustees and previously served as a lead faculty member. Previously 烹饪 served as chair of the chief student affairs officer’s group for the 密歇根 Association of State Universities, 今天学生事务委员会的成员, 是全国迎新主任协会的终身会员, has been an active member of the Association for Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), 教育促进及支援委员会(CASE).

库克积极参与巴特社区活动. He serves as an executive board member for the 孤峰 Chamber of Commerce and is a board member. 他是弹性丘项目的联合负责人, serves on the 孤峰 Silver Bow Economic Development Team and was previously engaged in the 孤峰 Silver Bow County 健康y Task Force. 烹饪 and his wife 斯蒂芬妮 regularly volunteer for the Montana Folk Festival, 孤峰 100等社区活动. 

莱斯和他的妻子, 斯蒂芬妮, 我有两个成年的孩子:科尔和他的妻子, 在凤凰城生活和工作的人, AZ; and Adison, 物理治疗师, 他住在盐湖城.